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LaS Company - Lhotáková & Soukup (Czech Republic)

Featured (2003)

Fri, Jun 20, 2008
9.30 pm
Admission: 13 Euros, concessions 8 Euros
Sat, Jun 21, 2008
9.30 pm
Admission: 13 Euros, concessions 8 Euros
Kristyna Lhotakova / LaS Company, Featured

Combi-Tickets at reduced price (bought in advance until 18 h):

2 or 3 combi tickets: 15% reduction

4 combi tickets or more: 25% reduction

Festivalpass: 60 €

The people starring in Featured are non-dancers and non-actors. These three Czech men are in their fifties; they are – or were – culture managers, translators, employees at waterworks… They risk their dignity by presenting their lives on the stage, dancing to instructions like children, and the strain is telling. But they still do their own little show, they each do their best, and they each put a very special presence into their performance. The vulnerability and complexity of the performers and their ‘roles’ reveal one thing above all else: that the attributes society employs to define social roles degrades human beings in a manner that is almost obscene. Choreographer Krist_na Lhotáková and director and sound designer Ladislav Soukoup are working on a new form of documentary theatre close to reality. They have returned to Prague, after spending a long time abroad, to confront people in their home country. ‘What,’ they ask ‘distinguishes Czech society today?’