Archive until 2022. To the current program

Discussion at the closing congress

Can Schools Save the Climate?

Thu, Sep 22, 2022
Lecture Hall
2 pm
Free admission

In German

From 9 am students will present their projects in an exhibition and workshops (only for participating schools).

raumlaborberlin: Floating University Berlin, An Offshore Campus for Cities in Transformation, 2018, Floating e.V.,, Photo: Daniel Seiffert

Using less electricity, avoiding waste or changing our diet: To protect the climate, many people need to radically change their behavior. But what does this process of change look like in schools? Are schools, as laboratories of the future, responsible for doing something about the climate crisis? And what does sustainability mean for students?

These and other questions, as well as the students’ demands for sustainable and climate-friendly schools, will be the focus of the public discussion at the closing congress. Decision-makers from schools, politics and administration will meet with 3rd- to 8th-grade students and teachers from Wedding, Weißensee and Friedrichshagen and discuss what needs to change in the school system.

On the morning of the congress, the students present the results of their artistic school projects to other project participants in an exhibition and pass on their new knowledge to their peers in mini-workshops.

Public discussion with Martin Brendebach (Consultant for Social Sciences and Political Education at the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family), Dante Davis (Locals United of BUNDjugend & District Councilor Lichtenberg for Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) and the S.O.S. project participants Aïcha Abbadi (artist Fashion Workshop of the Present), Philipp Lorenz (director Wedding-Schule), Susann Franz (teacher Heinz Brandt Schule), Finja Jasmin (student Gerhart-Hauptmann-Gymnasium), Helsa (student Heinz-Brandt-Schule), Jannes (student Heinz-Brandt-Schule), Mischa (student Gerhart-Hauptmann-Gymnasium), moderated by Céline Weimar-Dittmar (Journalistin, @klima.taz)

Project presentations and workshops with contributions from all S.O.S. project participants, Kontaktstelle für Umwelt und Entwicklung (KATE e.V.), Alice Cannava and Sina Ribak, Tanja Rakočević (Yeşil Çember association), TINT Kollektiv, Céline Weimar-Dittmar (journalist, @klima.taz) and many others.

Earth Indices

Guided Exhibition Tour

through Earth Indices

Sep 22, 2022