D: Sofie Benoot, Liesbeth De Ceulaer, Isabelle Tollenaere, Belgium 2020, 71 min | Showing first: Sun, Sand and Sea and my Shadow goes Swimming, 2 min
The event will be cancelled if poor weather is forecasted. The decision will be announced on Twitter and Facebook on the day of the event at approx. 5pm.

D: Sofie Benoot/Lisbeth De Ceulaer/Isabelle Tollenaere, Belgium 2020, 71 min, OV with English subtitles
Over the course of two years in California City, a huge, eerie planned city in the desert that is cut off from Los Angeles by a mountain range, Victoria unfolds, en passant, a city map that eludes orientation. Out of documentary images and phone videos taken by Warren, the protagonist, virtual views and a voiceover of his diary entries, an image of the city and a city of images are formed in parallel. The construction of reality becomes visible here, as does its potential for the poetic: a turtle race in the desert sand, fountains that gush from burst pipes, memories of Los Angeles surfacing during a virtual stroll with Google Maps, black holes as gateways to another galaxy.
Showing first:
Sun, Sand and Sea + my Shadow goes Swimming
D: Dagie Brundert, Germany 2004, 2 min, no dialogue
Very early in the morning on the Los Angeles beach. The sun has just come up and one’s shadow is faster than oneself.