Film | #6 Im Haus arbeiten
D: Stephan Geene, Germany 2019, 120 min, OV with English subtitles

Ricky Shayne briefly streaked like a comet through West German popular culture from 1967 to 1972. Born in Cairo, raised in Beirut, he became a star in Rome in the booming Beat scene. He was then imported to Germany, where there was more money to be made. Shayne found himself in Berlin between BRAVO and ZDF Hit Parade, celebrated and exoticized. Stephan Geene, who was ten years old at the time, was changed forever by this phenomenon, and now explores his fascination. A serial TV anti-portrait, framed by rehearsals for a gala, the attempt to give one last moment to an aborted career.
Stephan Geene will present, the screening will be followed by a short Q&A.