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Stella Sommer, Michaela Meise

Sat, Aug 22, 2020
8 pm
8 pm Michaela Meise
9 pm Stella Sommer

Open air on the roof terrace
Stella Sommer, © Gloria De Oliveira

Stella Sommer

With her band Die Heiterkeit, Stella dusted off German-language indie rock, instilled it with new nuance and wrote songs that were absolute hits and yet exhibited a depth that had been lacking for a long time. Euphoria and melancholy do not coexist in her music, but battle against each other. In 2018 she released her first solo LP 13 Kinds of Happiness on which her raspy vocals redefined what it means to be catchy and haunting at the same time.

Michaela Meise, © Roland Owsnitzki

Michaela Meise

Anti-fascist, anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist ... Schlager music? Yes, Michaela Meise makes it work. On her second album Ich bin Griechin (I am Greek), she reinterpreted popular and populist songs from the post World War II era in German and didn’t just hit a raw nerve, but rubbed salt in the wound. As in her work as a visual artist, Meise works from seemingly simple structures to negotiate complex issues. But it’s still music you can sway to. With Barbara Wagner (from the band Britta) on guitar and Simeon Cöster (Isolation Berlin) on drums.