Refiguring Spaces #1: The photographic image in art and science

How do photographic images affect us? What impact is attributed to them by various disciplines? How do they reveal organizational structures in existing discourses of art and science? Experts in sociology, art history, art, architecture, media studies, and urban design illuminate the methodological use of images in four subprojects by Collaborative Research Center 1265 Refiguring Spaces at the TU Berlin.
With Dominik Bartmanski, Seonju Kim (subproject Smart Cities), Stefanie Bürkle, Janin Walter (subproject Migrating Spaces and Tourism), Henning Füller (subproject Geographic Imaginations), Julia Fülling, Linda Hering (subproject Knowledge and Goods)
Moderated by Janin Walter and Severine Marguin, curated by Janin Walter, Stefanie Bürkle and Severine Marguin
Refiguring Spaces is an event series by Collaborative Research Center 1265 Refiguring Spaces at the TU Berlin at Haus der Kulturen der Welt
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