Concerts, DJ sets
Sister Nancy, Ekki Maas presents General Salty and his Original Rubber Band, Mark Ernestus & Tikiman, DJ Ripley

8 pm: Ekki Maas presents General Salty and his Original Rubber Band | Auditorium
9 pm: Mark Ernestus & Tikiman | Hirschfeld Bar
10.30 pm: Sister Nancy feat. Legal Shot | Hirschfeld Bar
11.30 pm: DJ Ripley | Hirschfeld Bar
Ekki Maas presents
General Salty and his Original Rubber Band
A sound-alike is an advertising trick: a song composed to sound like a famous original. Erdmöbel musician Ekki Maas presents his tonal analogy of the Beatles milestone album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.
Mark Ernestus & Tikiman
Mark Ernestus, currently active with Ndagga Rhythm Force, introduced dub to German electronic music with the label Rhythm & Sound. He and singer Paul St. Hilaire AKA Tikiman offer an intro to the art of dub versions.
Sister Nancy feat. Legal Shot
Thank you, royalties! Her megahit Bam Bam is one of the most sampled refrains in hip-hop. When the first female dancehall DJ heard her voice in a sneaker commercial in 2014, she finally claimed the rights to the 1982 song, quit her job – and returned to the stage.
DJ Ripley
DJ Ripley AKA Larisa Kingston Mann celebrates heavy bass tones and the diaspora stories they tell: from Grime to Dembow or Gqom to Chicago Juke and Footwork.