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my house

presentations: Philippe Rahm and Horst Schwebel

Sat, Dec 2, 2006
4 pm

at the House of World Cultures, free admission, English and German

Ideas of the homeland and oneself are concentrated in the expression “my house” and the accompanying cultural constructions and belief systems. The character of “my house” leads from questions of architecture to themes like sustainability, mobility, and migration. Political and societal conditions change our concept of the house, the forms of its use, its appropriation, and the possibilities of self-determination. Architects and theoreticians, philosophers and artists pose a common question from various perspectives: What is “my house”? Their answers will be commented by the following speaker.

with Beatriz Colomina, Jesko Fezer, Mathias Heyden, John Palmesino, Philippe Rahm, François Roche, Renata Salecl, Horst Schwebel and Yang Lian

4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Philippe Rahm lives and works as an architect in Paris. His designs operate with physiological spatial perception, which varies with light intensity, smell, and hormonal substances. For “my house”, his approach to a “physiological architecture” will be sensually demonstrated. Horst Schwebel Director of the Institute for Church Construction and Contemporary Church Art and Professor for Practical Theology at the University of Marburg (1980 - 2006). Has published widely on the relationship between art and the Church, for example “Die Kunst und das Christentum. Geschichte eines Konflikts” (art and Christianity. History of a conflict, 2002).

6:00 – 7:45 p.m. followed by Yang Lian, author, New Zealand, and Renata Salecl, philosopher and sociologist, Criminology Institute of the Juridical Faculty at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia more...

Dramaturgy: International Festival [Stockholm] Artist/author/curator/choreographer Mårten Spångberg and architect Tor Lindstrands design and create communication processes.