Archive until 2022. To the current program


For pedagogues, art educators, and all others interested in education

Wed, Jun 13, 2018
2 pm
Free admission, please register (booked out)
The workshops take place concurrently.

Workshop#1: Tampering with the Teaching Machine. Tischgespräche
By bildungsLab* under the direction of María do Mar Castro Varela
in German, booked out

How can pedagogical and sociopolitical theories be affirmatively sabotaged?
Inspired by Gayatri Spivak’s 1993 publication Outside in the Teaching Machine the bildungsLab* takes on a perspective from the margins. As an association made up of pedagogues at the margins of the teaching machine, bildungsLab* critically examines the pedagogical mainstream and attempts to intervene in hegemonic discourses. In three table talks academics of color and/or with immigration histories from the areas of education and (art) mediation discuss racism in schools, the re-feudalizing of education, and (in)justice in inclusive educational institutions.

Workshop#2: Invitations to Unlearn. Art Education and Critical Pedagogy
By students of the Critical and Pedagogical Studies MFA Program, Malmö Art Academy under the direction of Maj Hasager and Laura Hatfield
in English, booked out

How would students or artists organize learning? What role do art and education play in developing new forms of acting and thinking? And how can they contribute to shaping a desirable society?
A group of students has been developing new meeting points between art and education. Together with Maj Hasager and Laura Hatfield they have looked at concepts such as radical and critical pedagogy, pedagogies of the senses, and feminist art education. The workshop will offer insights into what potentialities may be found in opening up the field through artistic practices. A listening space will reflect current questions and thoughts by pedagogical art practitioners in the making. By working with score techniques and collectively decided dogmas they are exploring potential intersections between art and education. In this experimental space the workshop participants are invited to slow down and focus, or drift away.

Part of the concluding program Test Run for the School of the Future