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Presentations, Round Table

Urban Forest

With Yoshiharu Tsukamoto (Atelier Bow-Wow) and representatives of the initiative Kolabs (Moderated by Wilfried Kuehn)

Fri, Oct 23, 2015
7 pm
Admission: day ticket 9€/7€ including exhibition ticket & exhibition guide
German and English with simultaneous translation

Kolabs and Yoshi Tsukamoto from Atelier Bow-Wow speak about the 1:1 model Urban Forest and their collaboration on the “Wohnungsfrage” project.

The Kooperatives Labor Studierender (Kolabs) arose in the context of Wohnungsfrage from an amalgamation of individual participants in the Wohnwut project of the Internationales JugendKunst- und Kulturhaus Schlesische27, the rent-campaign association Studis gegen hohe Mieten, and the Café A, run by architecture students at the TU Berlin. These young practitioners, theoreticians, and analysts are fused together as a collective by their shared intensive and critical engagement with the themes housing, participation, and architecture.

The Tokyo-based atelier Bow-Wow was founded in 1992 by Yoshiharu Tsukamoto and Momoyo Kaijima. The pair's interests range from architectural design to urban research and the creation of public artworks. They have designed and built houses, public and commercial buildings mainly in Tokyo, as well as in Europe and the United States. Their design solutions are guided by ‘architectural behaviorology’, a selfcoined discipline examining the relationship between human behavior and the built environment.