Film Lounge
Early key works and new short film productions
Thu, Sep 10–Sun, Sep 20, 2015

In 1995, “Historias breves” compiled ten short films by students at the Universidad del Cine in Buenos Aires and is often described as a cornerstone of New Argentine Cinema. Three years later, “Mala época” was another short film compilation by young directors from the university, which grew to become one of the chief settings for the movement. Also in 1998, “Pizza, birra, faso,” which puts its protagonists within the Buenos Aires milieu of small-time criminals, was a surprise success among audiences and critics alike.
Wong Kar-Wai’s classic film “Happy Together” reflects a look from the outside. The city itself plays the leading role in the story of Ho and Lai, who relocate from Hong Kong to Buenos Aires in their search for love.
In addition, the film lounge presents a new award-winning generation of filmmakers in a selection of shorts from the past three years.
Featured Films
Happy Together
D: Wong Kar-Wai, Hongkong 1997, 98 min, English subtitles
Early key works
Historias breves
D: Daniel Burman, Adrián Caetano, Jorge Gaggero, Tristán Gicovate, Sandra Gugliotta, Lucrecia Martel, Pablo Ramos, Bruno Stagnaro, Ulises Rosell, Andrés Tambornino, Paula Hernández, ARG 1995, 109 min, English subtitles
Mala época
D: Nicolás Saad, Mariano de Rosa, Salvador Roselli, Rodrigo Moreno, ARG 1998, 110 min, English subtitles
Pizza, birra, faso
D: Bruno Stagnaro, Israel Adrián Caetano, ARG 1998, 92 min, English subtitles
Short film program 2013-2015 in cooperation with LAKINO
Caracoles y diamantes (Snails and Diamonds)
D: Paola Michaels
Durmiente (Break-ax)
D: Vinco Tomicic
La reina (The Queen)
D: Manuel Abramovich
Lo que dicen del monte (What They Say about the Boondocks)
D: Octávio Tavares, Francisca Oyaneder
Japonesita (Japanese Girl)
D: Ignacio Masllorens
#Ya! (Rise)
D: Ygor Gama, Florencia Rovlich
El valle interior (The Inner Valley)
D: Alejandro Tarraf
Videojuegos (Videogames)
D: Cecilia Kang