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April 23–27, 2013


The International Curators' Network


April 23–27, 2013

Haus der Kulturen der Welt’s International Curators’ Network: In spring 2013, eleven international curators met with renowned experts – artists, scientists, and exhibition makers – to discuss questions of curating at the intersection between art and science in the so called “age of Man.” A series of publications, edited with Anna-Sophie Springer and Etienne Turpin, presents insights into the collaborations resulting from the network meeting.

Eleven young curators were selected by an international jury among 148 candidates from 37 countries. The jury was made up of: Anselm Franke (curator and Head of Visual Arts Dept. at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin), Heike Catherina Mertens (Board member of the Ernst Schering Foundation, Berlin, with responsibility for culture and spokeswoman for the board), Suely Rolnik (psychoanalyst and cultural critic, curator and professor at the Catholic University, São Paulo, and the Independent Studies Program, MACBA, Barcelona), Adele Tan (writer and curator, Singapore) and Julia Voss (art historian and journalist for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt).

Have been selected: Nabil Ahmed (Bangladesh/London),*1978, Arlette Quynh-Anh Tran (Vietnam/Berlin),*1987, Xiaoyu Weng (San Francisco, USA),*1985, Natascha Ginwala (India/Amsterdam),*1985, Alice Carey (London),*1981, Manuela Moscoso (Rio de Janeiro/New York City),*1978, Etienne Turpin (USA),*1980, Margarida Mendes (Lisbon),*1985, Vincent Normand (Paris),*1985, Laura Cassidy Rogers (California, USA),*1983, Anna-Sophie Springer (Berlin)*1980

For more information on SYNAPSE, visit

SYNAPSE is a biennial project by Kirsten Einfeldt and Daniela Wolf.

A project in cooperation with the Ernst Schering Stiftung Foundation and the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, with the kind support of frieze d/e

In the framework of: