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The Shortlist of the year 2012

The Award Winners 2012

The International Literature Prize – Haus der Kulturen der Welt 2012 was awarded to the Romanian author Mircea Cărtărescu for the novel “Der Körper”(“The Body”), published in 2011 by the Paul Zsolnay Verlag, Vienna (Original title “Orbitor II. Corpul“, published in 2002 by Verlag Humanitas, Bucharest) and to the translators Gerhardt Csejka and Ferdinand Leopold for the first German translation.

The author receives 25,000 euro, while the translators share 10,000 euro.
The prize, which carries a total purse of 35,000 euro, is being awarded for the fourth time in 2012.

Shortlist 2012

The following works were nominated for the shortlist (in alphabetical order):

Jaume Cabré: Das Schweigen des Sammlers
Suhrkamp/Insel 2011, translated by Kirsten Brandt and Petra Zickmann
Jo confesso, Edicions Proa, Barcelona 2011

Mircea Cărtărescu: Der Körper
Paul Zsolnay Verlag 2011, translated by Gerhardt Csejka and Ferdinand Leopold
Orbitor II. Corpul, Humanitas, Bukarest 2002

Nedim Gürsel: Allahs Töchter
Suhrkamp Verlag 2012, translated by Barbara Yurtdas
Allah’ ιn Kιzlarι, Dogan Kitap, Istanbul 2008

Tom McCarthy: K
Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 2012, translated by Bernhard Robben
C, Jonathan Cape, London 2010

Péter Nádas: Parallelgeschichten
Rowohlt Verlag 2012, translated by Christina Viragh
Párhuzamos történetek, Jelenkor Kiadó, Pécs 2005

Téa Obreht: Die Tigerfrau
Rowohlt Berlin Verlag 2012, translated by Bettina Abarbanell
The Tiger’s Wife, Random House, New York 2011