Archive until 2022. To the current program

Partners and sponsors

Copa da Cultura was developed by the Ministry of Culture of Brazil and the House of World Cultures.

null   Brasil Sensationell!

Media partner

Radio Eins   Zitty   Brazine

Tropicália: A Revolution in Brazilian Culture is co-organized by

the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; The Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York; and GabineteCultura, São Paulo, Brazil.
Major support for the international tour is provided by the Harris Family Foundation in memory of Bette and Neison Harris.
The international tour is sponsored by GreySocialLink; Altria Group, Inc.; and The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.

null   Altria

Additional support is provided by Etant donnés: The French-American Fund for Contemporary Art.

IN TRANSIT 06 funded by


The House of World Cultures recommends

Sorat Hotel Spreebogen

The curators of Copa da Cultura

Concert series: Gilberto Gil, Hermano Vianna
IN TRANSIT 06: Johannes Odenthal, Beratung: Ricardo Muniz Fernandes

Exhibitions: Carlos Basualdo (Tropicália), Luiz Camillo Osório (Interventions), Felipe Taborda (Image of Sound: Football)

Film series: Marcelo Cajueiro
Lecture series: Flávio Carneiro
Programme coordination Brazil: Erlon Paschoal
Programme coordination Berlin: Brigitte Heilmann

Project team Copa da Cultura

Sven Arnold, Tereza de Arruda, Yven Augustin, Axel Besteher-Hegenbart, Annette Bhagwati, Jacob Birken, Corinna Bobzien, Stefania Böhm, Peter Boragno, Susanne Clemens, Vera Dorsch, Carola Dürr, Petra Fickinger, Katharina Gelhaar, Becky Ann Gilbert, Martin Hager, Lydia Haustein, Denhart von Harling, Doris Hegner, Eva Maria Helfrich, Eva Hiller, Jan Köhler, Anja Lindner, Shaheen Merali, Frank-Thorsten Moll, Johannes Odenthal, Cornelia Pilgram, Caroline Rehberg, Felix Schnieder-Henninger, Anke Schröder, Christiane Sonntag, Aimée Torre Brons, Gabriele Tuch, Max Wend
V.i.S.d.P.: Axel Besteher-Hegenbart

Haus der Kulturen der Welt is supported by the Minister of State for Culture and the Media as well as by the Federal Foreign Office.

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