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Oya Yukarya

Oya Yukarya

was born in 1960 to a family of musicians in Bandung, West Java. Already at the age of six he began playing in traditional music ensembles. During the course of his schooling, Oya Yukarya was active as a folk musician and also composed numerous original folk songs in the Sundanese style. Following his studies at the art academy STSI (Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia) Surakarta, he was hired as a lecturer for Sundanese music at the university for teacher training UPI (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) in Bandung. Oya Yukarya’s music has been heavily influenced by the many forms of Sundanese folk music, which he attempts to interpret in his own new and original way. The notion of a contemporary folk music that is based on in its own traditions and does not imitate Western forms is Oya Yukarya’s primary concern—not least because of his unshakeable belief that only a renewal of folk music can spawn change in social awareness.