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Elizar Koto

Elizar Koto

was born in 1962 in Ateh Guguak Haru, West Sumatra. Following an education in gamelan at the art academy STSI Padangpanjang, he studied at the art academy STSI (Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia) in Denpasar, Bali and from 2001-2003 received training in composition at STSI Surakarta. In 1988 he received the opportunity to present his music at the “Pekan Komponis Muda” (Young Composers Week) in Jakarta, which was then the only national forum for new music. Today, Elizar Koto is considered one of the most important figures in the contemporary music scene of West Sumatra—and he has numerous productions to show for it, some of which have brought him to Europe. Elizar Koto’s music is influenced by a variety of West Sumatran traditions, but also has elements that extend beyond them – all proof of his intense engagement with the various musical traditions of Indonesia as a whole.

“Today, individuality predominantly goes hand in hand with new music . But this individuality is always embedded in a collective context.” Elizar Koto