Pop 16 – 100 Jahre produzierte Musik

100 Years of Now Library
Editors: Detlef Diederichsen and Florian Sievers
Matthes & Seitz Berlin
, 2017
176 pages, German
ISBN 978-3-95757-411-4
Price: 18 €
Available at Haus der Kulturen der Welt and at bookstores, mail order buying / postal shopping via the Webshop
Similar to the way that photography captured light, wax cylinders and shellac records were the first to capture the sounds of their age one hundred years ago. It was a step that would have far-reaching consequences. It not only would change how people listened to music, but also had an effect on the music itself. How did the first produced, deliberately tonally designed recordings shape listening habits? How did the recording media, which began to traverse the world without human accompaniment, transform entire musical styles? Based on the technological innovations of approximately one hundred years ago, the volume explores the genres, aesthetics and social categories that emerged from this, some of which are still valid today.