Negotiating Difference
Contemporary Chinese Art in the Global Context
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9:00 Einführung – Franziska Koch (Universität Heidelberg)
V. Contemporary Chinese Art and Strategies of (Dis-)Engagement
9:20 Situating Socially Engaged Art in China, Zheng Bo (University of Rochester)
9:40 Non-Antagonistic Contradiction: Alternative Spatial Practices and Provisional Communities in Contemporary China, Beatrice Leanza (unabhängige Kuratorin, Beijing)
10:00 Panel Response – Thomas Berghuis (University of Sydney)
VI. Curating Chinese Contemporary Art
10:50 The Perfection of the Imperfection or the Principles of Adaptation, Davide Quadrio (BizArt Center, Shanghai/Arthub Hongkong)
11:10 Everyone Curates: From Global Avant-garde to Local Reality, Meiqin Wang (California State University Northridge)
11:30 Panel Response – Francesca Dal Lago (Leiden University)
VII. Dis-Playing Contemporary Chinese Art
12:00 China and the World: The Official Re-Positioning of Chinese Contemporary Art onto the Global Stage at the Start of the Twenty-First Century, Thomas Berghuis (University of Sydney)
12:20 (Dis-)Playing "Mahjong". Uli Sigg and the Power of Private Collectors in the Global Canonization of Chinese Contemporary Art, Franziska Koch (Universität Heidelberg)
12:40 Panel Response – Hans Belting (Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung, Karlsruhe)
VIII. Contemporary Chinese Art: Market and Meaning
14:00 Contemporary Chinese Art in the International Auction Market: An Insider’s Overview and Assessment in Comparative Perspective, Joe Martin Hill (New York University)
14:20 Critical Discourses: Debating the Value of Contemporary Chinese Art in the 1990s, Peggy Wang (University of Chicago)
14:40 Panel Response – Francesca Dal Lago (Leiden University)
15:30 Summary and Discussion: Perspectives on Future Research
Leitung: Jeong-hee Lee-Kalisch (Freie Universität Berlin)
Teilnehmer: Hans Belting (Hochschule für Gestaltung, Karslruhe)
Thomas Berghuis (Australian Centre for Asian Art and Achaeology, University of Sydney)
John Clark (Australian Centre for Asian Art and Achaeology, University of Sydney)
Li-qing Dai (National Changhua University of Education, Taipeih)
Gao Minglu (University of Pittsburgh)
Francesca Dal Lago (Center for African, Asian and Amerindian Studies, Leiden University)
Eine Kooperation des Hauses der Kulturen der Welt mit der Freien Universität Berlin, Ostasiatische Kunstgeschichte des Kunsthistorischen Instituts
Leitung: Prof. Dr. Jeong-hee Lee-Kalisch
Konzept: Birgit Hopfener, Franziska Koch
Organisation: Ronald Kiwitt, Juliane Noth
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