6 results

    Thu, Nov 7, 2019
    7 pm


    unequally distributed rights to make use of it and to roam it? Who can afford to leave a territory in crisis (...)
    Crisis Talks
    New Alphabet School

    Fri, Jul 8, 2022
    6 pm

    Interdependence Live: Air Age Blueprint

    How can humans and non-humans come together to save the planet in an age of climate crisis? (...)
    Crisis (...)
    climate crisis? Live podcast
    Alphabet Readings

    Neolithic Childhood. Art in a False Present, c. 1930

    perception, the violence of colonialism: “c. 1930” was a time of crisis in modernity. For the artistic (...)
    Crisis (...)
    the multiple crises of European modernity around 1930 – the “crisis of consciousness,” the revisions

    Potosí Principle – Archive

    Crisis Economy Exploitation Globalization Imperialism indigenous Injustice Marxism Money Neocolonialism (...)
    Economic Crisis