66 results

    Fri, Mar 24, 2017
    12 noon–4 pm

    Migration - Talking Migration

    What do we mean when we talk about migration and the struggles of migration within a field (...)
    Migration - Talking Migration (...)
    Migration Theses, discussions
    Now is the Time of Monsters

    bauhaus imaginista

    migration, going beyond the years the Bauhaus was active as a school (until 1933). For the first time, the (...)

    Afro-Sonic Mapping

    Lusophony Migration Portugal Postcolonialism Resistance Rhythm Sound art Transnationalism (...)
    Migration (...)
    , thus defying time and forced migration? What sonic affinities exist between Luanda, Lisbon and Salvador

    Archive of Refuge

    migration has come to mean – testifying to a multifaceted, exciting narrative of German history. In the (...)
    Migration (...)
    What forms of remembrance are needed in today’s societies shaped by migration

    Thu, Sep 30, 2021
    6 pm

    Archive of Refuge – Opening

    Archive Collective memory Cultural memory Escape Exile History Home Immigration memory Migration (...)
    Migration Archive of Refuge

    Now is the Time of Monsters

    system? Today, neo-nationalist threats and the failures of a nation-state system facing global migration (...)

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