Friday, Sep 1 2017
11 am–10 pm
Art Without Death: Russian Cosmism
5–6 pm

Becoming Cosmic

Presentation by Boris Groys
Free admission
Art Without Death: Russian Cosmism
6.30–9 pm

Nikolai Fedorov and his Project of the “Common Task”

Presentations & Discussion with Angeliki Charistou, Anastasia Gacheva, Michael Hagemeister, moderated by Margarete Vöhringer
Free admission
Saturday, Sep 2 2017
11 am–10 pm
Art Without Death: Russian Cosmism
11 am–1.30 pm

Cosmic Themes in Early Soviet Culture

Presentations & Discussion with Robert Bird, Maria Chehonadskih, Svetlana Cheloukhina, moderated by Anne Luther
Free admission
Art Without Death: Russian Cosmism
2.30–5 pm

Cosmism and Social Progress

Presentations & Discussion with Keti Chukhrov, Alexei Penzin, Marina Simakova, moderated by Margarete Vöhringer
Free admission
Art Without Death: Russian Cosmism
6–8.30 pm

Cosmism, Universalism, Contemporary Art

Presentations by Trevor Paglen and Arseny Zhilyaev, Discussion with Hito Steyerl and Anton Vidokle, moderated by Anselm Franke
Free admission
Sunday, Sep 3 2017
11 am–7 pm
Art Without Death: Russian Cosmism
3 pm

Guided exhibition tour

with Boris Groys, Anton Vidokle & Arseny Zhilyaev
In English
3€ plus exhibition ticket
Monday, Sep 4 2017
11 am–7 pm
Free admission
Wednesday, Sep 6 2017
11 am–7 pm
Thursday, Sep 7 2017
11 am–7 pm
Friday, Sep 8 2017
11 am–7 pm
Saturday, Sep 9 2017
11 am–7 pm
Sunday, Sep 10 2017
11 am–7 pm
Art Without Death: Russian Cosmism
3 pm
3€ plus exhibition ticket
Monday, Sep 11 2017
11 am–7 pm
Free admission
Wednesday, Sep 13 2017
11 am–7 pm
Thursday, Sep 14 2017
11 am–7 pm
Friday, Sep 15 2017
11 am–7 pm
Why Are We Here Now?
6–8.30 pm

Trains in the Past, Tracks in the Present

Rania Stephan: Train-Trains: A Bypass, film
Zeynep Çelik: The Hijaz Railway: Empire and Modernity, lecture
Salim Tamari: Could the Archives Lie? The Disappeared Train, lecture
Priya Basil & Sinan Antoon: Steel That Bites the Earth: The Logic of the Track, staged literary reading
- After the Wildly Improbable -
Day ticket: 6€/4€
Why Are We Here Now?
9–11 pm

Postwar Landscapes

Karrabing Film Collective: Night Time Go, film
Shahram Khosravi: Along the Rails with Travelers without Papers, lecture
Samuel Merrill: Ghost Stations, lecture
Rania Stephan: Train-Trains: Where’s the Track?, film
- After the Wildly Improbable -
Day ticket: 6€/4€
Saturday, Sep 16 2017
11 am–7 pm
Why Are We Here Now?
2–5 pm

Unsmooth, Broken Flow of Travels

Boris Buden: From Orient to Archaeology: A Railway through Time, lecture
Zeynep Çelik: Railways and the Politics of Archaeology, lecture
Yazid Anani: an imaginary train ride, 1926, lecture performance
Shahana Rajani & Zahra Malkani: Afterlives of Imperial Formations, lecture performance
- After the Wildly Improbable -
Afternoon ticket: 6€/4€, Day ticket: 10€/6€
Why Are We Here Now?
5–7 pm

Between the Lines

Fehras Publishing Practices: Waiting Trajectory, lecture performance
Morad Montazami: Railway Stories of the Betrayed Avant-Garde, lecture
Hamid Ismailov: From the Railway to the www., lecture
- After the Wildly Improbable -
Afternoon ticket: 6€/4€, Day ticket: 10€/6€
Why Are We Here Now?
7.30–10 pm

Animate Tracks

Adel Abidin: Parallel Reality, lecture performance
Gülnur Ekşi: The Effects of the Berlin-Baghdad Railway on the Vegetation in Anatolia, lecture and presentation of drawings
Muhannad Shono: Zomë Zomë, animated film
Violet Grigoryan: Two Women, literary reading, Armenian & English
Musa paradisiaca: The Intimate Knowledge of Things, films and lecture
- After the Wildly Improbable -
Evening ticket: 6€/4€, Day ticket: 10€/6€
Why Are We Here Now?
10–11 pm

Sonic Interpretations

Sair Sinan Kestelli: Poles Re-Mediated, Electronic Music
- After the Wildly Improbable -
Evening ticket: 6€/4€, Day ticket: 10€/6€
Sunday, Sep 17 2017
11 am–7 pm
Art Without Death: Russian Cosmism
3 pm
3€ plus exhibition ticket
Monday, Sep 18 2017
11 am–7 pm
Free admission
Wednesday, Sep 20 2017
11 am–7 pm
Thursday, Sep 21 2017
11 am–9 pm
Why Are We Here Now?
6 pm
Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

By Mohammad Al Attar
Why Are We Here Now?
7 pm
Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

By Mohammad Al Attar
Why Are We Here Now?
8 pm
Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

By Mohammad Al Attar
Why Are We Here Now?
9 pm
Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

By Mohammad Al Attar
Friday, Sep 22 2017
11 am–9 pm
Why Are We Here Now?
2 pm
Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

By Mohammad Al Attar
Why Are We Here Now?
3 pm
Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

By Mohammad Al Attar
Why Are We Here Now?
4 pm
Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

By Mohammad Al Attar
Why Are We Here Now?
6 pm
Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

By Mohammad Al Attar
Why Are We Here Now?
7 pm
Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

By Mohammad Al Attar
Why Are We Here Now?
8 pm
Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

By Mohammad Al Attar
Why Are We Here Now?
9 pm
Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

By Mohammad Al Attar
Saturday, Sep 23 2017
11 am–9 pm
Why Are We Here Now?
2 pm
Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

By Mohammad Al Attar
Why Are We Here Now?
3 pm
Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

By Mohammad Al Attar
Why Are We Here Now?
4 pm
Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

By Mohammad Al Attar
Why Are We Here Now?
6 pm
Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

By Mohammad Al Attar
Why Are We Here Now?
7 pm
Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

By Mohammad Al Attar
Why Are We Here Now?
8 pm
Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

By Mohammad Al Attar
Why Are We Here Now?
9 pm
Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence

By Mohammad Al Attar
Sunday, Sep 24 2017
11 am–7 pm
Art Without Death: Russian Cosmism
3 pm
3€ plus exhibition ticket
Monday, Sep 25 2017
11 am–7 pm
Free admission
Wednesday, Sep 27 2017
11 am–7 pm
Thursday, Sep 28 2017
11 am–7 pm
Friday, Sep 29 2017
11 am–7 pm
Saturday, Sep 30 2017
11 am–7 pm
7 pm
Terra Nova

Terra Nova

Film premiere and talk with Ulrike Hamann, Regina Römhild, Fetewei Tatekegn and Constanze Fischbeck, moderated by Nanna Heidenreich
Free admission