Diskussion, Book Launch, Lectures
The City, Religion and Postcolonialism II
with Filip de Boeck, Sammy Baloji, AbdouMaliq Simone, Rima Chahrour, Moderation: Jennifer Robinson
How can the world’s metropolises and their religious practices be set in relation to one another? Talks and presentations will show how postcolonially-inspired approaches can be taken to overcome blind spots in conventional urban theory.
Urbanscales and the Rhythms of Life in the Congolese City
Filip de Boeck (anthropologist, Leuven), Sammy Baloji (photographic artist, Brussels/Lubumbashi)
Faith in the City: Just the City
AbdouMaliq Simone (urban sociologist, Adelaide/ London), Rima Chahrour (multimedia artist, London)
Moderation of the discussion to follow: Jennifer Robinson (urban researcher, London)