

D: Cao Hamburger

Fri, Nov 9, 2012
10 pm
Admission: 5€, concessions 3€
Sun, Nov 18, 2012
4 pm
Admission: 5€, concessions 3€

Brazil 2011, 102 min, English subtitles

The brothers Villas Bõas began their big adventure in the Mato Grosso in 1943. While exploring the world of the Xingu Indios, they also became the founders of a National Park to protect their habitat and way of life. But the flu they brought with them had almost fatal consequences: “We are both the cure and the poison”, says one of the brothers ... A big and highly topical issue illustrated with epic cinematic images: only in August was work on a controversial hydro-electric dam in Xingu stopped by court order.