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Discussion, documentaries, cultural program

One Year of Revolution in Syria – Between Peaceful Struggle and Brutal Oppression

Fri, Mar 23, 2012
6 pm
Free admission

On 18 March 2011, thousands of people took to the streets of Daraa in protest at a regime that has been oppressing and gagging its own people for 49 years. The violent actions of the military and secret services against peaceful demonstrators has led to a nationwide revolution involving representatives of all social groups. Today, one year on, the situation in Syria is more dramatic than ever. Every day, dozens of people are killed while thousands of civilians wait in vain for humanitarian aid. The United Nations estimates that more than 7,500 people have been killed, including some 700 children and teenagers. Human rights groups accuse the regime in Damascus of crimes against humanity.

The people of Syria are in urgent need of help! Therefore, the goal of this event is to provide practical assistance: by explaining how to help and by collecting donations.

The panel discussion brings together experts in the latest developments and the outlook in Syria:

George Sabra, member of the general secretariat of the Syrian National Council
Suheir Al Atassi, opposition leader and representative of the Syrian Revolutionary Council
Monzer Makhous, coordinator external relations in Europe, Syrian National Council
Walid Saffour, chairman of the Syrian Human Rights Committee in London
Muriel Asseburg, director of the research group Near and Middle East and Africa of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs
Günter Gloser, SPD, member of the Bundestag Committee for Foreign Affairs and former deputy minister in the Foreign Office

The following will deliver welcoming speeches: Boris Ruge, Ambassador, Commissioner for Near and Middle East Policies and the Maghreb at the German Ministry for Foreign Affairs, and Bernd M. Scherer, Director, Haus der Kulturen der Welt

Moderator:Kristin Helberg, Journalist

Documentary films will offer a review of one year of the Syrian revolution and the work of the Syrian students and academics.

The event will be rounded off with an oriental buffet, classical Arabic music and an opportunity to make a donation.