
Saeid Shanbehzadeh

Bagpipes from the Gulf

Sat, Aug 6, 2011
7 pm
Evening ticket (2 concerts + films) 19 € / 15 €
Saeid Shanbehzadeh, © Promo

There‘s no overhearing this ensemble‘s roots in Bushehr. Down through the millenia, the city and province on the Gulf of Persia have been a melting pot for traders and cultures: apart from Armenians, Indians, Jews and the Iranian majority, the region is also home to Arab and African communities.

Saeid Shanbehzadeh, who won the first prize at the Fajr Festival in Tehran in 1990, compiled his trio‘s repertoire after years of research into the ingredients of this musical melange: religious hymns and hypnotic trance dances, poetic love songs and highly rhythmic wedding music. Together, the Persian bagpipes, the double clarinet and a diverse range of percussion instruments form a unique musical world.