Blackbox Abschiebung (Black Box Deportation)
Images and tales of people who would have liked to stay
Sat, Mar 19–Sun, May 8, 2011

The revolutions across the Arab World have put another issue in the spotlight refugees trying to make it into Europe. Yet theres an aspect to this story that rarely makes the headlines: every year, about ten thousand people are deported from Germany.
These peoples stories rarely reach the public at large, despite the fact that most of them were torn from functioning lives and livelihoods. We rarely find out what happens to them after they are forced to leave Germany, which many of them have long since come to regard as their new home.
They disappear out of sight and out of mind.
The exhibition project "Blackbox Abschiebung" is an attempt to document the life stories of some of these "deportees". People awaiting deportation are asked to tell the story of their life. They take a camera with them and report back on their lives after deportation, sending the chip cards from their cameras back to Germany.
A project by ISVC e.V. and RUHR.2010, supported by Fonds Soziokultur, in cooperation with the Haus der Kulturen der Welt (opening podium)