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Alice B. Krueger (Head of the Virtual Ability support community for people with disabilities inside Second Life)

People with Disabilities in Virtual Worlds

Tue, Mar 29, 2011
7 pm
Admission: Day ticket 5 €/3 €

in English language

Virtual worlds are becoming increasingly popular. Many features of virtual worlds mirror what is called the “real world”. Which features of virtual worlds are virtual?

People with real-world disabilities are able to access virtual worlds, sometimes using assistive technology to do so. Second Life is a virtual world where people with many different kinds of disabilities find real benefits, including medical, learning and social benefits. The Virtual Ability community in Second Life helps people using assistive technology become successful in that virtual world.
Daniel Moshel’s film highlights some of the benefits to people with disabilities of being in a virtual world. The film contrasts the lives of people when they are inside and outside the virtual world.

Alice B. Krueger is presently fully disabled due to Multiple Sclerosis. She is President of Virtual Ability, Inc., which is a small nonprofit charitable corporation. The purpose of Virtual Ability, Inc. is to support the work of the Virtual Ability community in virtual worlds such as Second Life. Prior to becoming disabled, Alice Krueger was an education researcher. She is a published author and editor in the field of science education.