Seven Fields
Thu, Mar 10–Thu, Mar 17, 2011
Opening: March 09

Following the unilaterally declared failure of multiculturalism on the one hand and the vain search for an ‘alpha’ culture on the other, we are still left to face the question of who belongs where, and how and why and who defines that? In short: who do we want to integrate where?
Students of ethnology, school students and artists from the most diverse genres embark together on research field trips in Wedding, Wilmersdorf and Kreuzberg. These young researchers will preserve the discoveries and results of their expeditions in the form of installations, photograph series, sound collages, experimental films and texts, which will be presented at the exhibition “Seven Fields”. They will cover seven central categories of “Being So”: collecting and possessing | sharing and swapping | creating and shaping | processing and using | love and desire | faith and hope | celebrating and chilling
A pilot project by the International JugendKunst- und Kulturhaus Schlesische 27 in co-operation with the initiative Ästhetische Feldforschung, the Institut für Europäische Ethnologie der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Next Interkulturelles Projekt, the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung and three Berlin schools.
Supported by Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung