
The Cultural Future of the Balkans

Mit Borka Pavicevic (Serbia), Beqë Cufaj (Kosovo), Dubravka Ugresic (Croatia / Netherlands)

Sun, Sep 19, 2010
3 pm
Admission: 6 €, concessions 5 €, school students 4 €

Nearly twenty years after the break-up of Yugoslavia, the years of violence have left an indelible scar. So what does the future hold? While the region was addressing the social and economic challenges, there was little support for arts and culture. However, this could be the area where the chance lies to find common ground and to communicate. New cultural movements can open up discussion and dialogue. What binds the new countries of the region? Not what separates, but what they have in common, those things that bring them together, should be the topic of discussions.

Focus Eastern Europe I Reflections

PRESENTER: Wolfgang Klotz