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Workshops The Potosí Principle

Fri, Oct 8, 2010
12 noon
Admission free, Please register under
During the Workshop days the exhibition will be opened until 22:00h

Artists, curators, theorists, and “correspondents” will come together during the workshops which are part of the „Potosí-Principle”- exhibition to discuss and elaborate following topics: How can we describe colonial as well as contemporary global contexts with Marx’s principle of “primordial accumulation”? How and where is cultural hegemony being produced? Which artistic interventions or practices and which dissenting votes can undermine the standards of a “universal museum” within an internationalised world?
With the participation of Thomas Kuczynski, Silvia Federici, Peter Linebaugh, David Riff, Tom Flynn, Anthony Davies, John Barker, Edgar Arandia, Maria Galindo (Mujeres Creando), Elvira Espejo, Eduardo Molinari, Isaías Grinolo, Matthijs de Bruijne, Sonia Abian, Konstanze Schmitt, Christian von Borries, Zhibin Lin and Sun Heng (Migrant Worker Museum) as well as the curators of the project.

Workshop Day 1 | Day 2

Friday, 8.10.

“There is a primitive accumulation that is merely so called”

Neither the conception and formation of modern European society nor its economic system can be fully understood without considering its colonial past and its crimes. This demanding conditionality has persisted to the present day and continues to do so on a global scale. The Marxist concept of primordial accumulation serves this workshop day as a research tool for looking at current and historical conditions, using three concrete case studies: "strawberries, soybeans, cocaine."

12:00 - 14:00 h “So-called Primordial Accumulation”

Workshop I venue: K1, HKW I Simultaneous translation (english-spanish)

Re-Reading of the 24th chapter of the first volume of Karl Marx’s "The capital": The so-called primordial accumulation.

Moderation: Thomas Kuczynski

14:00 - 15:00 h Break

15:00 -18:00 h "Strawberries, Soy, Cocaine"

Workshop I venue: K1, HKW

- The strawberry industry in Huelva” Isaías Grinolo

- „The soy-republic” Eduardo Molinari

Moderation: Max Jorge Hinderer

16:30 - 17:00 h Break

17:00 - 18:00 h: „The Long Memory of Cocaine”

John Barker and Max Jorge Hinderer

18:00 - 19:00 h Break

19:00 - 22:00 h "A primordial accumulation that is merely so called“

Lectures and discussions I venue: Theatersaal I Simultaneous translation (english-spanish)

From Potosi's perspective, the history, persistence and presence of primordial accumulation is predicated on a globalized economy. Also, attributions of territory or identity can be understood from the perspective of a political-economic and / or feminist approach as a ramification of this world system. Silvia Federici and Peter Linebaugh consider this transatlantic colonial history and its "blind spots". Three inputs connect the Key Notes to concrete positions in the exhibition.

- Short input: “Triumph of the female house workers: About a campaign of the group ‘Territorio Doméstico’ in Madrid” Konstanze Schmitt

- Key Note: “Women, The Body and Primitive Accumulation” Silvia Federici

- Short input: “Punitive Accumulation” CVA/ TIPPA

- Key Note: „A world upside down- The Hidden History of the Revolutionary Atlantic “ Peter Linebaugh

- Short input: “No de-colonization without de-patriarcalization” Maria Galindo

- Discussion

Moderation: John Barker, Max Jorge Hinderer

22-23.30 h Late Night Special

venue: Café Global

Matthijs de Bruijne recorded the dreams of workers and migrants during his trips to China in 2008 / 2009. He discovered Migrant Workers Home and invited the founders to participate in Principi Potosí. Sun Heng is a traveling musician and founding director of the Cultural and Art Museum of Migrant Workers in Picun/ Beijing. In his songs, he grapples with the reality and dreams of the new Chinese working class. The texts will be projected in English translation.

- Matthijs de Bruijne about “1000”

- Sun Heng (Migrant Worker Museum) – Migrant Songs: „Our World, Our Dream“

(Projektions of lyrics / English )

Workshop Day 1 | Day 2