Archive until 2022. To the current program

Radio workshop


HKW 2010, an open Haus der Kulturen der Welt

Thu, Jan 7–Sun, Jan 10, 2010
Thu, Jan 7, 2010
Exhibition Hall 1
10 am
Fri, Jan 8, 2010
Exhibition Hall 1
10 am
Sat, Jan 9, 2010
Exhibition Hall 1
10 am
Sun, Jan 10, 2010
Exhibition Hall 1
10 am
Daily from 10 h
Learn and Experience: Cultural Education

Haus radio is covering the events of the interdisciplinary program “Frenetic Homeland” with a 4-day Radio Workshop followed by a live broadcast. Under the guidance of experienced radio producer and DJ-anes Kiwi Menrath and Stefanie Alisch, participants will learn the technical, editorial and journalistic tricks of the radio trade. The workshop is geared towards people of all generations and backgrounds interested in the medium of radio and who want to take a look behind the scenes of the Haus der Kulturen der Welt.

Participation is free. Registration:'); $crypt->output(); ?> or 030-39787182 (number of participants is limited).

Live broadcast Sun 10.01.10, 18 h

Radio workshop with Kiwi Menrath and Stefanie Alisch

Live-Streaming at and on 97.2 FM

Supported by Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg, produced by Next Interkulturelle Projekte and Klubradio in collaboration with ALEX offener Kanal Berlin.