Maria Jose Arjona, Colombia/USA
Remember to Remember (2008)
12:00 - 16:00 h + 18:00 - 22:00 h

A long corridor, a woman produces soap bubbles that are supposed to stand for childhood “innocence." But when the delicate forms burst on the wall, they leave red spots behind - an element of violence penetrates the seeming idyll of this "untitled" performance. "Remember to Remember" continues the game of association. The three words repeatedly written in chalk on the wall are barely able to cover the red. Edith Piaf’s "Je ne regrette rien," sung in Karaoke by Arjona until her voice fails, brings the piece full circle.
Maria Jose Arjonas performances are always installations, aesthetic constructs that simultaneously attract and repel, "It's about getting people to think, not about telling them what to think." In April 2009 Maria Jose Arjona was artist-in-residence at Robert Wilson's Watermill Center.
More events with Maria Jose Arjona:
: Fri 12.6. - Sun 14.6.2009 12-16 h and 18-22 h
: Sun 21.6.2009 20 h