3rd Pictoplasma Conference | 1st Pictoplasma Symposium > Day 1
Designers, Artists and Animation filmmakers meet for the third international exchange since 2004. Presentations by exceptional designers such as Klaus Haapaniemi (FIN), James Jarvis (UK), Boris Hoppek (DE / ES), Faiyaz Jafri (NL / USA) and W + KTokyoLab (JP) show the latest developments. Screenings of the Pictoplasma Animation Festival illustrate trends in Motion Graphics. Workshops invite active participation.
The conference is held in tandem with the first worldwide scientific symposium dealing with the cultural consequences of the reduced figuration phenomenon. The interdisciplinary discussions give insight into the cosmos of the Character: From patterns of perception and aesthetic schemes to the independent existence of the figures and marketing, the influence of Japan and the "Hello Kitty syndrome" through to the relationship of the character to mask, folklore and ritual.
Participants include: information designer Christoph Bartneck (Eindhoven University of Technology, NL), art historian Verena Kuni (JW Goethe University, FfM) and Geoffrey Long, media theorist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
10:00 h Welcome address
10:30 - 13:00 h Animation Screening & Presentation
Characters in Rhythm, Saiman Chow
(Participation fee: 30 Euros)
14 - 16 h Artist Presentations
Boris Hoppek, Gaston Caba, Faiyaz Jafri
(Participation fee: 30 Euros)
17 - 19 h Symposium Panel
Close Encounters - Character Perception
Stefanie Diekmann, Michael Liebe, Cindy Lisica, Christoph Bartneck
Information on the panels and participating artists: www.pictoplasma.com