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transmediale performance

Sonolevitation + Untitled Sound Objects

Wed, Jan 28, 2009
8 pm

Sonolevitation(Evelina Domnitch, Dmitry Gelfand)

Evelina Domnitch and Dmitry Gelfand deal with the laws of gravitation and its speculative reduction in their performance 'Sonolevitation'. The test arrangement looks like a physical experiment, slivers of gold levitate between metallic poles. A 'standing wave' is generated between a transducer and a reflective surface which produces enough pressure to keep the slivers spun in different directions at varying speeds. This technique is used in spacecraft to transport and position uncontained gases, liquids, and powders beyond the earth's atmosphere by means of a phenomenon known as acoustic levitation. Domnitsch und Gelfand survey the function of gravity, and provoke to reflect upon our acoustic conditionality on earth.

Untitled Sound Objects(Pe Lang + Zimoun)

'Untitled Sound Objects' is a series of works by Pe Lang and Zimoun in which the artists explore the properties of sound, materials, resonance and generative systems. In the piece, vibrating motors cause glass plates to oscillate. Various kinds of materials and objects are placed on these plates and generate sounds which are processed and amplified. The fragility and complexity of the resulting sound architecture resonates with the elegance and smart simplicity of their instrument. For the development of their music Pe Lang and Zimoun have a great interest in how sound can be shaped, how space can be engineered, and how new dynamics and tone colours can be produced in a combination of digital and electroacoustical techniques.

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