Archive until 2022. To the current program


Screening Territories

transmediale film and video programme

Wed, Jan 28, 2009
2 pm
Thu, Jan 29, 2009
1 pm
Fri, Jan 30, 2009
1 pm
Sat, Jan 31, 2009
12 noon
Sun, Feb 1, 2009
2 pm

Under the leitmotif Screening Territories the film and video section of transmediale.09 explores the theme of this years' festival. Together with the works from the international competition and a series of compilation programmes by invited guest curators, the programme includes more than 70 current productions by international artists.

The compilation programmes mainly feature selections from the entries to the transmediale Award competition 2009 – where the majority of this year's submissions may also be viewed at the project library in the foyer of the House of World Cultures throughout the period of the festival.

Two special programme contributions come from invited guest curators. The Berlin based film curators Marcel Schwierin and Florian Wüst have compiled the two part programme Melting Fridges and Marlene Rigler from Argos Arts in Brussels has compiled a special selection of works entitled State/s of Emergency.

All screenings will take place at the House of World Cultures’ theatre hall. Many of the artists will be present at the festival providing an opportunity for discussion after the presentation of their work. On Sunday, February 1, the programme closes with the preview of the annual transmediale video selection.

Melting Fridges

Part I: Friday, January 30, 18.30 hrs

Part II: Saturday, January 31, 15.00 hrs

curated and presented by Marcel Schwierin & Florian Wüst

With films by AEG, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, MTV, Edgar Reitz, Takahiko Iimura, Pavel Medvedev a.o.

Saturday, January 31, 17.30 hrs

State/s of Emergency

curated and presented by Marlene Rigler

With films by Herman Asselberghs, Nicolas Provost, Adam Leech, Hans op de Beeck a.o.

Sunday, February 1, 17.00 hrs

Recipes for Disaster / Katastrofin aineksia

John Webster

fi, 2008, 85:00

Compilation programmes:

Wednesday, January 28, 14.00 hrs

Deep Space Recordings

Andrea Polli, Ground Truth, us, 2008, 8:16 | Mario Asef, Bothered by the Border, kr/de, 2008, 5:44 | Liu Wie, Hopeless Land, cn, 2008, 7:16 | Larissa Sansour, A Space Exodus, dk, 2008, 4:27 | Lotte Schreiber, Borgate, at, 2008, 15:00 | Beatrice Gibson, A necessary music, uk/us 2008, 20:00

Wednesday, January 28, 18.00 hrs


Florian Gwinner, Dekoration, de, 2007, 5:22 | Trish Adams, Host, au, 2008, 5:00 | Verena Maas, Brown, de/uk, 2008, 26:00 | Rainer Gamsjäger, Trifter 1, at, 2008, 8:00 | Joanna Hoffmann, Secret Life, pl, 2008, 10:59 | Jörn Staeger, Reise zum Wald, de, 2008, 7:00

Thursday, January 29, 13.00 hrs

Field Textures

SOLU, Kamos Trilogy, fi, 2008, 10:08 | Siegfried A. Fruhauf, Night Sweat, at, 2008, 10:00 | Michael Aschauer, 24/7, Into the Direction of the Light, at, 2008, 8:43 | Elke Groen, Nightstill, at, 2007, 9:00 | Pink Twins, Pulse+, fi, 2007, 4:00 | Michaela Schwentner, Bellevue, at, 2008, 9:00 | Brigitta Würsch, Green 1, ch, 2008, 3:21 | Momoko Seto, Planet A, fr, 2008, 10:00

Thursday, January 29, 16.00 hrs

Distant Grounds

Etta Säfve, Unwavering (Sisyphus), nl/se, 2006-07, 4:00 | Roberto Bellini, Jardim Invisivel / Invisible Garden, br/us, 2008, 15:00 | Manuel Knapp, Distorted Areas~0.1', at, 2008, 4:34 | Angelika Brudniak / Cynthia Madansky, Minot, North Dakota, at/us, 2008, 18:00 | Mark Boswell, Unknown Unknow(s), us, 2008, 13:43 | Etta Säfve, Unfinished Harbor (Narcissus), nl / se, 2008, 5:54 | Manon de Boer, Two Times, be, 2008, 11:00

Friday, January 30, 13.00 hrs

Failing Relations

Claudia Salamanca, Muerte de un silo tiempo / Death at once, co/us, 2008, 10:24 | Karel De Cock, Resonance, be, 2008, 18:30 | Theo Ligthart, Peinliche Ordnung, de, 2008, 13:00 | Mihai Grecu, Coagulate, fr, 2008, 6:00

Friday, January 30, 16.00 hrs

Culture Panic

Surekha Kumar, Line of Control, in, 2008, 2:50 | Esther Johnson, Celestial, uk, 2007, 15:25 | Eric Schockmel, Syscapes # Interlude, uk, 2008, 22:28 | Joanna Hoffmann, Life is, pl, 2008, 14:00 | Bertrand Dezoteux, Le Corso, fr, 14:00, 2008 | Kristian Labusga, Rebel with a cause, de, 2008, 2:17

Saturday, January 31, 12.00 hrs

Transit Spaces

Neil Beloufa, Kempinski, ml / fr, 2007, 13:58 | Dan Boord & Luis Valdovino, Not enough night, us, 2007, 7:44 | Markus Wambsganss, In Uranias, de / ir / us, 2007 / 2008, 16:31 | Joanne Richardson, In Transit, us / ro, 2008, 29:30

Sunday, February 1, 14.00 hrs

Optical Vacuum

Barbara Musil, Market Sentiments, at / ee, 2007, 4:00 | Dariusz Kowalski, Optical Vacum, at, 2008, 55:00

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