Discussion with Saskia Sassen and Vladimir Sorokin
A global break with the past

The sociologist Saskia Sassen (New York) and Russian writer Vladimir Sorokin (Moscow) in discussion, followed by a talk with Manthia Diawara, Yang Lian and others
Moderation: Caroline Fetscher, Der Tagesspiegel (Berlin)
How are we to judge the impact of the global events of 1989 on the present? Did that year really represent a global break with the past? According to Saskia Sassen, the globalization of the financial markets, which accelerated after 1989, confirms this supposition. But how does Vladimir Sorokin, a novelist of the younger, post-modern generation, view the war in Afghanistan, the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the ‘new Russia’ of today? These transnational relationships, which often only become transparent at second glance, will be discussed in the light of new approaches to ‘world history'. The curators of the theme days will also be participating in the talk that follows, and introducing regional priorities into this final round.
The Theme Days:
Iran: The end of the war, the Fatwa, and the death of a leader > Fri 20.2., 17:00 h more...
China: The Unfinished Journey - From Tianan'men Square to Exile > Fri 20.2., 19:00 h more...
Chile, Argentina, Venezuela: Democratic culture, the crisis of neo-liberalism > Sat 20.2., 14:30 h more...
Angola, Namibia, South Africa: The Dawning of Independence and Democracy > Sat 21.2., 18 h more...
Afghanistan, Pakistan and Kashmir: Murderous outbreaks, forgotten wars > Sat 21.2., 20:30 h more...
Migrants and a re-united Germany > Sun 22.2., 14:30 h more...
The participants of the dicussion
Caroline Fetscher, Journalist and Publicist, Berlin, studied psychology and German literature in Freiburg and Hamburg, and was editor-in-chief of Greenpeace Magazine in Hamburg. As a free-lance writer, she has published articles in Der Spiegel, GEO, Frankfurter Rundschau, Süddeutsche Zeitung and the tageszeitung. Since 1997, she is on staff at the Tagesspiegel. Fetscher focuses on topics such as South East Europe, human rights and transatlantic relations. In 1997, she published "The Tropics as Text"; in 2002 "Srebrenica. A Trial" together with Yulia Bogoeva.
Saskia Sassen, Professor of Sociology, Chicago, teaches at the University of Chicago and at the London School of Economics. Born in the Netherlands, her Dutch father Willem Sassen created propaganda for the Nazis. Sassen was raised in Buenos Aires. She studied philosophy and political science at the University of Poitiers, France, the Università di Roma and the Universidad de Buenos Aires. From 1969 she studied sociology and economics at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana/USA. Sassen researches globalization processes and migration of labor and capital, as well as modern means of communication, specifically the phenomenon of the "Global City". "The Paradox of the National" was published 2008 in German.
Vladimir Sorokin, Writer, Moscow, was born 1955 in Bykowo. The Russian writer and playwright is considered one of the leaders of Russian Conceptualism. He studied at Moscow's Gubkin Institute of Gas and Oil Industry and at the Institute for Chemistry. Sorokin worked in book design, painting and conceptual art and has participated in numerous exhibitions. He has designed and illustrated circa 50 books. In his works, he parodies Socialist Realism. His most recent publications include, "The Ice" (2002), "Bro" (2004) and "Oprichnik’s Day" (2006).