Getting to the bottom of waves
Marine diversity and protection
The deep sea and the coastal zones are valuable reserves not only for marine life, but also for our coastal heritage. Environmental organisations are unanimous in their view that the various marine eco-systems must be better protected than they are now. It doesn’t seem to be that simple, however, for there are too many different interests. Scientists and experts in NGOs report of campaigns and problems in trying to establish marine protection zones near the coast and in international waters.
With Wera Leujak, advisor in the International Year of the Reef, Patrik Löhr, Greenpeace and Wolfgang Günther, Bundesarbeitskreis „Meer und Küste“ BUND.
Moderation: Caroline Fetscher, Tagesspiegel newspaper
Information during the course of the festival: Greenpeace stands, International Year of the Reef, BUND für Umwelt and Naturschutz, mare, Seemannsmission (Seamen’s mission)