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Lola Arias / Compañia Postnuclear (Argentinien)

Trilogy: Striptease / Sueño con revolver / El amor es un francotirador (2007)

Wed, Jun 18, 2008
7 pm
Part 1+2 | Admission: 13 Euros, concessions 8 Euros
Thu, Jun 19, 2008
7.30 pm
Part 3 | Admission: 13 Euros, concessions 8 Euros
Fri, Jun 20, 2008
7.30 pm
Part 1-3 | Admission: 18 Euros, concessions 12 Euros
Sat, Jun 21, 2008
7.30 pm
Part 1-3 | Admission: 18 Euros, concessions 12 Euros

Spanish with German surtitles

Lola Arias and Compañia Postnuclear, Foto (c) Lorena Fernandez

‘Love is a striptease in which you remove not only your clothes but also expose your organs: your heart, your brain, your stomach.’ Theatre on the verge of a nervous breakdown – or rounds of love? Striptease centres on a seated baby flanked by quarrelling adults, probably its parents. If a child is the fruit of love and that love dies, is it allowed to commit suicide? Revolver Dream is about a night in a postnuclear age. Months of blackouts, a streak of light is the only thing left. A young woman and a man are sitting on a bed, weapons under the pillows … A dream? Love is a sniper is about Russian roulette with six suicidal lovers. Nobody is left out: from the shy boy, to the stripper, to Don Juan; from confessions to a crying competition, to singing and boxing – right to the bitter end.

Lola Arias is the shooting star of the Argentinian theatre scene, and she has also made a name for herself internationally too – most recently with Stefan Kaegi of Rimini Protokoll in São Paulo and Munich. The European première of her trilogy at the Steirischer Herbst 2007 received wholehearted praise from as an event ‘for all those who believe in love, whether past, fulfilling, longed for or destructive.’