A dramatic monologue by Girish Karnad (India)
Combi-ticket for the 19 April (Girish Karnad + Shashi Tharoor) € 7, concessionary ticket € 5
In English and German
With actor Dominik Bender
Followed by a talk with Ilija Trojanow
Mythical action – contemporary themes: In his monologue Flowers, Girish Karnad thematises traditional conceptions of belief, morals and guilt. Taking the figure of a priest in a small rural temple, he sketches the psychogramme of a person who questions old certainties in a modern way: scenically read by Berlin actor and director Dominik Bender. Girish Karnad, who was born in India in 1938, is an author, film-script writer and director. Even his first work, Yayati (1961), dealt ironically with the 2,000-year-old epic poem Mahabharata.
--- For visitors to the literature festival: ticket for the exhibition 'Re-imagining Asia' only 3 Euros ---