Book presentation, talk

Vanishing Points of Memory

The Holocaust and Colonialism in Contemporary Discourse

Thu, Apr 28, 2022
Lecture Hall
7 pm
Free admission

In German

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Fluchtpunkte der Erinnerung, Photo: Martin Gajc / HKW

What is the difference between racism and anti-Semitism? How are the Holocaust and colonial crimes related? From the debate about the Humboldt Forum to the Achille Mbembe case and the current uproar over the documenta, these questions repeatedly trigger heated public controversy in the newspapers and social media.

In his new book Fluchtpunkte der Erinnerung (Hanser Verlag; En: Vanishing Points of Memory) sociologist Natan Sznaider situates this social conflict in a broader historical and international framework and makes the arguments of thinkers such as Karl Mannheim, Hannah Arendt, Albert Memmi, Frantz Fanon, Edward Said and others relevant to today’s discussion. He calls for historical differentiation and for the toleration of contrasting world views. In conversation with Hanno Hauenstein (Berliner Zeitung), Sznaider discusses his book and talks about the possibility of commemorating the victims of the Holocaust and colonialism without relativizing history.

With Natan Sznaider and Hanno Hauenstein