Presentations, Talks, Projections
Weekend II

4-6 p.m.
Resisting (imperialist) Globalization of the Media: Strategies for Escaping monopolies of thought
Lecture by As'ad Abu Khalil
6:30-9 p.m.
Media, State and Society: Between Censorship and Occupation
Presentation: Mona Anis. Followed by a round-table discussion with Pierre Abi-Saab, As'ad Abu Khalil and Sherif Younis
Pierre Abi-Saab: author and cultural editor of the al-Akhbar newspaper and editor of the cultural magazine Zawaya, Beirut.
As`ad AbuKhalil: author and political scientist, California State University, Stanislaus, Turlock. Blog: The Angry Arab News Service (, Beirut/California (“Battle for Saudi Arabia, The Royalty, Fundamentalism, and Global Power”, New York, 2004).
Mona Anis: cultural journalist and author, head of the culture department of the Al-Ahram Weekly, Beirut/Cairo.
Sherif Younis: author and political scientist at Helwan University, Cairo. Fellow des research programme "Europe in the Middle East – The Middle East in Europe" 2007/08. (Author of: al-Zahf al-moqaddas, The Sacred March, Cairo 2005)
>>> Saturday, 12 January 2008, from 4 p.m.: Presentation and round-table discussion more...
>>> Sunday, 13 January 2008, from 4 p.m: Presentation, round-table discussion and film screening more...