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Film programme 9: Mohammed Soueid

New documentary films from the Middle East

Thu, Dec 20, 2007
4 pm
Admission: 3 Euros, concessions 2 Euros
Sun, Dec 30, 2007
4 pm
Admission: 3 Euros, concessions 2 Euros
Thu, Jan 10, 2008
4 pm
Admission: 3 Euros, concessions 2 Euros
Mohamed Soueid, "Nightfall" (film still)

The Lebanese author and director Mohammed Soueid began his career as a film critic. In 1990, he made his first film. Soon afterwards, he filmed the story of a transvestite, which he also turned into a novel in 2004. He became known internationally with his autobiographical trilogy entitled Tango of yearning, Nightfall and Civil War.

16:10 - 17:20 h

Tango of yearning, Mohammed Soueid, Libanon, 1998, 70min.

17:30 - 18:40 h

Nightfall, Mohammed Soueid, Libanon, 2000, 70 min.

18:50 - 19:00 h

Civil War, Mohammed Soueid, Libanon, 2002, 80 min.

19:10 - 20:20 h

Tango of Yearing , Mohammed Soueid, Libanon 70 min