Archive until 2022. To the current program


Memory and Concrete

With Abdalrahman Alqalaq, Milad Khawam, Sam Zamrik

Sun, Jul 25, 2021
7.30–9 pm
In German, English, Arabic
Open-air on the roof terrace.
The event will be cancelled if poor weather is forecasted. The decision will be announced on Twitter and Facebook on the day of the event until 3pm.

At this time, the GGG rule (tested-vaccinated-recovered) applies for this event. Before the event, please check this website for the daily updated regulations.
More about Covid-19 admission regulations
Erinnerung und Beton, © Ameen Abo Kaseem

Concrete stands for security and home, but also for fear and weightiness. The poems by the two young authors from Damascus, Abdalrahman Alqalaq and Sam Zamrik, refer repeatedly to the building material made of cement, sand and water. It is about concrete in Syria, concrete in Germany and the concrete of memory. The poets find familiar themes in one another’s poems, read from their works and exchange ideas in a literary and musical performance on this multilingual evening. What do the words weigh that examine concrete as a means of memory?

With poets Abdalrahman Alqalaq and Sam Zamrik and musician Milad Khawam

Curated by Weiter Schreiben in cooperation with Haus der Kulturen der Welt

Weiter Schreiben is a project by WIR MACHEN DAS / wearedoingit e.V. in cooperation with the Deutsche Literaturfonds, the Allianz Kulturstiftung and the Fondation Jan Michalski.