Online program: Conference
Acid Communism
Spectres of the Counterculture

To what extent do the forgotten utopias of the 1960s and 70s haunt the twenty-first century? And under what material and psychological conditions could they emerge?
The conference is dedicated to the past and present of countercultures and subcultures. The contributors will deal in theory, art and practice with the idea of “acid communism” as articulated in the unfinished book by theorist Mark Fisher, who died in 2017. “Acid” refers to the psychedelic culture of the late 1960s and early 70s including its mind-altering effects.
Curated by Pascal Jurt and Christian Werthschulte
With Bernd Cailloux, Diedrich Diederichsen, Jeremy Gilbert, Owen Hatherley, Helen Hester, Nadia Idle, Keir Milburn, Maurizio Lazzarato, Cord Riechelmann, Barbara Sichtermann, McKenzie Wark, Alex Williams, Nona Willis Aronowitz and others
Friday, June 11
What is Acid Communism?
Introduction by Pascal Jurt and Christian Werthschulte
Revolution and Capitalism in the 1970s
Lecture by Maurizio Lazzarato followed by a discussion and Q&A with Séverine Marguin
The Political Consciousness of Totality –Thinking Complexity.
Lecture by Alex Williams followed by a discussion and Q&A
We’re Building a New City – How the Counterculture fell out of love with Modern Architecture
Lecture by Owen Hatherley followed by a discussion and Q&A
#ACFM goes Live with You!
Live podcast with Nadia Idle, Jeremy Gilbert and Keir Milburn followed by a discussion and Q&A
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Thursday, June 10
What is Acid Communism?
Introduction by Pascal Jurt and Christian Werthschulte
Access to Tools (on Acid)
Lecture by Diedrich Diederichsen
Responses to „Access to Tools (on Acid)”
By Barbara Sichtermann, Cord Riechelmann and Bernd Cailloux
Round table
With Diedrich Diederichsen, Barbara Sichtermann, Cord Riechelmann and Bernd Cailloux
The Feminist Promise (and Peril) of Communal Living
Lecture by Nona Willis Aronowitz
Dropping Out: Exodus, Acid Communes, and the Limits of Refusal
Lecture by Helen Hester
Round table
With Nona Willis Aronowitz, Helen Hester and Sonja Eismann
Happy Flesh
Keynote by McKenzie Wark followed by a discussion and Q&A with Pascal Jurt and Christian Werthschulte
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