Archive until 2022. To the current program

Long film night, screenings and talks

Die Verqueerung der Welt

Topics and forms after Hubert Fichte

Fri, Dec 6, 2019
7pm - Open End
Admission: 4€
Nadja Abt, Film still from Der Tag einer Seefrau an Bord, 2017, Courtesy of the artist

Was the writer Hubert Fichte (1935-1986) a pioneer of queer studies and post-colonialism? The long film night at the Schwules Museum (SMU) grapples with the questions: How does Hubert Fichte’s utopia of the “gayification of the world” relate to a contemporary queer and feminist project and current debates about intersectionality? What connections can be made between the work of Fichte – who lived gay and bisexual –, his “poetics of the factual” and the themes of the museum?

Films and film excerpts will be shown that further pursue Fichte’s subjects: travel, “sensitivity,” cruising and gay sexuality, for example in a documentary about the photographer Jürgen Baldiga – like Fichte, a protagonist in the German gay subculture of the 1980s who died of AIDS. It’s also about Fichte’s work between journalistic and literary methods, image and text montage. The discussion brings directors Nadja Abt and Jasco W. Viefhues together with Anselm Franke, curator of the exhibition Love and Ethnology and will be moderated by the media scholar Brigitte Weingart and the archive and collection director of the Schwules Museum, Peter Rehberg.

With Nadja Abt, Anselm Franke, Peter Rehberg, Jasco W. Viefhues and Brigitte Weingart

Film program:
Der schwarze Engel
D: Thomas Palzer, Germany, 2005, 60 min (excerpts)

Der Tag eines unständigen Hafenarbeiters
D: Hubert Fichte/Leonore Mau, Germany, 1966, 16 min

Der Tag einer Seefrau an Bord
D: Nadja Abt, Germany, 2017, 10 min

Rettet das Feuer (Rescue the Fire)
D: Jasco W. Viefhues, Germany, 2019, 83 min