Vacation workshop
World, City, Workbench: Vocations in Berlin
Ages 14 and up
German/English, support available for Farsi and Arabic

People from all over the world are working together on a variety of projects, implementing their ideas and creating something new in Berlin. The four-day vacation workshop provides insights into various vocations in which creativity is crucial. On a tour through Berlin, participants learn about the trades behind the scenes of a theater, practice drawing graphic novels or make new things out of second-hand clothes.

Mon, Apr 15
Meeting place: 3.30pm, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, 10557 Berlin, 6 pm, Maxim Gorki Theater, Am Festungsgraben 2, 10117 Berlin
A tour of the bauhaus imaginista exhibition will show how ideas from all over the world are incorporated into the design of buildings and artworks, curricula and textiles. How do people create new things together in a globalized world? And what vocations are involved in an exhibition like this?
Then, participants will visit Maxim Gorki Theater. The play The Situation takes place in a Neukölln German course with actors from Syria, Palestine and Israel.

Tue, Apr 16
Meeting place: 10.30 am, Maxim Gorki Theater, Am Festungsgraben 2, 10117 Berlin
What really goes on behind the scenes at a theater? At Maxim Gorki Theater participants will get to know a variety of theater professions. Then, in a photography workshop with Esra Rothoff, they’ll learn how to professionally showcase people with the camera.

Wed, Apr 17
Meeting place: 10.30 am, Theater X, Wiclefstraße 32, 10551 Berlin
At Theater X in Moabit, the comic and graphic novelist artist Ali Fitzgerald who’s been published in the New York Times and The Guardian will show how stories are put on paper.
Later, the mediale pfade team will demonstrate how to use a smartphone as a digital graffiti spray can. Participants can create their own pictures and messages that can be projected on any wall.

Thu, Apr 18
Meeting place: 10.30 am, Jan Kath Flagshipstore, Brunnenstraße 3, 10119 Berlin, 12.30 pm Schlesische Str. 27, 10997 Berlin
In the Jan Kath Flagshipstore in Mitte the workshop group will learn how fabric designers interweave textile traditions from all over the world with sources of inspiration like techno music to create designer carpets.
Textile patterns from different regions can be seen at the Schlesische 27 art lab in Kreuzberg. Under professional guidance, participants can redesign clothing they bring along or design their own bag.
With the kind support of Safrani Restaurant Charlottenburg