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Lecture performance, concert, award ceremony

zeitkratzer: Arnold Schoenberg Award, Michael Busch: The Scelsi Tapes

Sun, Oct 21, 2018
from 7 pm
Admission: Evening ticket: 13€/10€
zeitkratzer, Photo: David Heerde

7 pm: Michael Busch: The Scelsi Tapes, with Vincent Royer, Viola | Hirschfeld Bar
8 pm: zeitkratzer: Arnold Schoenberg Award | Vortragssaal

Michael Busch: The Scelsi Tapes

Giacinto Scelsi (1905-1988) recorded his monotonal sound improvisations on tape and then had them transcribed by composers. What does this mean for the paradigm of originality and authorship? With Vincent Royer on viola playing Giacinto Scelsi: Manto I to III .

zeitkratzer: Arnold Schoenberg Award

Can Arnold Schoenberg’s works be composed “more simply” while keeping them recognizable? Under the direction of Thorbjørn Tønder Hansen, zeitkratzer play the following four works that have been chosen out of numerous contest entries:
René Kuwan: Kleine Kammermusik (Variationen für Orchester op.31)
Click Nilson: Dodecacophony / Meta-dodecaphony (twelve chosen works by Schönberg)
Martin Wurmnest: Sonett op.24 ! really cheap imitation (Serenade op.24, Sonnet)
Cristian Vogel: Spectral reimagining of “Hier hinein?” (scene 1 of Erwartung op.17)

With live analysis and evaluation by a jury, consisting of Dörte Schmidt (president of the German Musicological Society GfM; College of Music, Universität der Künste Berlin), Diedrich Diederichsen (author and cultural critic; Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna), and Nicholas Isherwood (bass-baritone; study program Voice/Opera, Universität der Künste Berlin).