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The State of the ArtsInstitutions

Cultural Fairness in the Cultural Sector?

Tue, Sep 4, 2018
2–7 pm
Free admission
In German
The State of the ArtsInstitutions, Photo: Sebastian Bolesch

The population in Germany is diverse. The symposium on cultural fairness in the cultural sector looks at why this diversity is so rarely reflected in the country’s cultural institutions.

What must happen for immigrant communities to be perceived as cultural co-creators? How can successful models for promoting young talent in a way that is sensitive to diversity be transferred from industry to the cultural sector? Are people with migration histories or people of color included merely to cultivate the images of cultural institutions? What does diversity in cultural education mean in rural areas?

The Kompetenzverbund Kulturelle Integration und Wissenstransfer KIWit brings cultural professionals and actors from cultural administrations and politics throughout Germany together with activist groups and people who are not or rarely represented in the cultural sector. In a day full of workshops, they will develop strategies and approaches for achieving greater cultural equality. Together, they will explore the question of how exclusion, access barriers, and discriminatory structures can be prevented. How can the homogeneity of programs offered, the audience, and the staffing composition in cultural enterprises be broken up? How can we better exploit the potential of the diverse society?

With a welcoming address by ministry department head Dr. Günter Winands (with the German Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media), a keynote by Peggy Piesche (head of department Feminism and Gender Democracy at Gunda Werner Institute of Heinrich Böll Foundation), moderated by Prasanna Oommen (public relations worker and moderator)

Workshops with Marwa Al-Radwany (project consultant for KIWit at the Bundesverband Netzwerke von Migrantenorganisationen), Rukiye Baser (Raum der Kulturen Neuss e.V.), Corina Christen (project manager at Charta der Vielfalt e.V.), Klara Fries (Demokratiebahnhof Anklam), Daniel Gyamerah (project manager at Vielfalt entscheidet – Diversity in Leadership, Citizens for Europe), Harald Müller (department head at the Cultural Office of the City of Neuss), Steffi Roth (project [in:szene] Mehr Vielfalt im Kulturbetrieb, W3 Hamburg), Meral Sagdic (Social Justice & Diversity trainer), and others

For the detailed program (in German):

An event by KIWit. KIWit is a group consisting of HKW, Bundesakademie Wolfenbüttel, Bundesverband Netzwerke von Migrantenorganisationen, netzwerk junge ohren, Stiftung Genshagen, funded by the German Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media