Archive until 2022. To the current program
KIWit: The State of the ArtsInstitutions, © Laura Fiorio

Education: KIWit

Kompetenzverbund Kulturelle Integration und Wissenstransfer

How can exclusion and discriminating structures in the arts and culture be dismantled? How can diversity in cultural institutions be strengthened? How can immigrants, people of color, victims of age discrimination, and disabled people become co-creators?

To promote a pluralistic opening of cultural institutions, HKW joined forces with four partners from 2017–2020: The common goal of the Kompetenzverbund Kulturelle Integration und Wissenstransfer KIWit was to open up cultural institutions by being willing to recognize other perspectives, by questioning habits in seeing and thinking, and by initiating learning processes. It encouraged, supported and accompanied cultural institutions and actors nationwide. Programs offered by the KIWit network partners included training for disseminators from the immigrant arts scene, promotion of young talent among people affected by social exclusion, diversity-oriented further education and consultancy for cultural professionals and federally funded cultural institutions, as well as the initiative Kultur öffnet Welten.

Kultur öffnet Welten existed between 2015 and 2020 as the largest network for diversity and cultural participation in the country. More than 700 actors used the online platform to present projects, actions, events and offers that create access and cultural pluralism. At the same time the site, managed by HKW, offered a platform for discourse that makes existing initiatives visible and integrates critical positions.

Members of KIWit were the Bundesakademie Wolfenbüttel, Stiftung Genshagen, Bundesverband Netzwerke von Migrantenorganisationen, Netzwerk Junge Ohren and HKW.

The website was archived in December 2020 and has not been edited since then.