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Avenir! Avenir!

Performance by Hamed Taheri, author/director, and Dror Feiler, composition

Sat, Dec 2, 2006
6 pm
- 24:00. Free admission
Sun, Dec 3, 2006
4–10 pm
- 24:00. Free admission
duration: 6 p.m. - 12 p.m.

The audience will be admitted to the performance in groups of 30. Reservations Mon-Fri 10.00 - 16.00 under: (030) 39787-194

From the performance "Avenir! Avenir!" by Hamed Taheri, Photographer: Roberto Bulgrin and © Musik der Jahrhunderte

Here the viewer is downright attacked by the acting and the radicalism with which the performers expose him, in nakedness, dirt, and confusion. It is a visit among the mistreated and insulted. Each viewer can choose among 30 musical-theater fragments. The viewer decides for himself into which situation he then goes, forced to rely solely upon himself. Each fragment is performed for just one individual witness – who in turn exposes himself to a direct encounter. On a journey through Kafkaesque scenes in which the personal experiences of the five actors are concentrated, he encounters a life in inhospitable places, the life of migrants. Life history is related here to intellectual history, to texts from the Bible, the Koran, Goethe, de Sade, and Beckett. Hamed Taheri, the radical director and performer from Iran, has captured the dark memories in scenes from which all sentimentality has been driven – and which touch us for precisely that reason. Dror Feiler, the Swede of Israeli background, has created with his bruitistic compositions a work of unusual density and intensity. Their joint work, itself already a scandal in some places, brings intercultural dialog to a fine point: in the individual encounter and the transgression of borders, which makes it all the clearer how many barriers separate us from each other.

-- The audience will be admitted to the performance in groups of 30. Reservations Mon-Fri 10.00 - 16.00 under: (030) 39787-194 --